New Tech: Liquipel Protection

Friday, January 20, 2012

Liquipel is a southern California based company that has specialized in researching and developing innovative coatings for the past five years. It was through an incredible demand for water resistant electronics and a revolutionary new technology that Liquipel was born.

With countless painstaking hours of research and development the Liquipel team of scientist created and perfected our proprietary process. Through our struggles and with unbelievable advancement in this area Liquipel is proud to be the first company in the world to offer this technology to consumers.

Liquipel is a revolutionary process that applies a waterproof coating to your electronic device to protect them in the event of accidental exposure to liquids. It is not visible to the human eye, virtually undetectable and Liquipel will not compromise the look, feel, and performance of your electronics.

Liquipel penetrates the entire device as a whole, including all of the vital components inside and out to provide optimal protection against accidental contact with liquids. (SOURCE)