42 is written and directed by Oscar winning writer-filmmaker Brian Helgeland, previously of Payback, A Knight's Tale and The Order. He's most known for his writing, credited on L.A. Confidential, Conspiracy Theory, Mystic River, Man on Fire, Green Zone and Robin Hood. Warner Bros will open 42 on April 12th, 2013.
New Trailer: 42
Friday, September 28, 2012
42 is written and directed by Oscar winning writer-filmmaker Brian Helgeland, previously of Payback, A Knight's Tale and The Order. He's most known for his writing, credited on L.A. Confidential, Conspiracy Theory, Mystic River, Man on Fire, Green Zone and Robin Hood. Warner Bros will open 42 on April 12th, 2013.
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 12:27 PM