Well I have to start by saying that I am not surprised by anything that you ever do anymore, I have come to expect it and I'm sure that MTV has as well which is why they seated you in the front. As I stated on my last entry about Jay-Z's performance I did not watch the VMA's last night. I was watching the Bears vs Packers football game and I saw that twitter was going in on you; so I hit up Youtube only to see your brain once again act without the benefit of intellect. I am no fan of Taylor Swift, I'm not familiar with her music and I don't know much about her but Kanye you were wrong. You already know the politics that come with the VMA's because you have been through this before in 2007 when the show was held in Las Vegas. If you have a problem with the politics then don't come to the awards, but you don't disrespect a 19 year old girl who hasn't done or said anything negative about you. Don't cop out and say that you did it for Beyonce because she doesn't need you to fight her battles for her, last I heard Hov was her husband and if he wasn't saying anything then why the hell are you? This wasn't about Beyonce or Taylor, this was about you once again. You weren't performing this year and you know that you were not going to win an award so you had to find a way to get your look by any means necessary. Kanye always has to get his look....
It's not enough that you are one of the best rappers right now....
It's not enough that you are one of the best producers in the game....
It's not enough that you have more money than most people in this bad economy....
It's not enough that you are one of the best visionary artist of of our time....
Nope none of that is enough for you. The sad part about it is that you left (or were asked to leave) the building and you issued a wack apology but the damage is done and Hip Hop will ultimately pay the price for it. Reading some of the Twitter alerts yesterday I knew that other than Jay-Z performing yesterday, MTV was already doing a bad job by misrepresenting Hip Hop once again but you had to add to that???? A lot of people will say that you were being you, or you were drunk on Hennessy, or that Amber Rose is a bad influence, or that your mother passed away. Kanye when your mother died, the values that she taught you shouldn't have died with her. You are not of victim of circumstance, you have been chosen as one of the leaders of this Hip Hop movement and it's about time you start showing some leadership by acting right. As a DJ I come across up and coming rappers and producers that will never reach the heights of success that you have attained no matter how hard they try, but you want to take that for granted???? Nobody is saying that you are not entitled to your right to freedom of speech but you have to find the appropriate time and place and yesterday wasn't it. Perhaps you should have showed the class that Beyonce did; she knew how it felt to win her first VMA award with Destiny's Child and she did the right thing by calling that young girl back on stage and giving her that moment back. Kanye my advice to you is to start enjoying your success and wake up because it won't last forever, nothing ever does. Still love your music, just hate the extra shit....
P.S. (1) For all those that want to justify what Kanye did yesterday, every individual is accountable for what comes out of their mouth and there are always consequences for your actions. With that being said don't defend Kanye because he's a big boy, he put his foot in his mouth so deal with it....
P.S. (2) Oprah for all the negative things you said about 50 Cent, at least he as never done something like this. You and Kanye are both from Chicago, reach out and give him some intervention before he destroys everything he has worked hard for....