DJ Roc Raida Tribute Time Lapse Video
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 12:26 AM
Affion Crockett’s “We Gonna (Hunt Chris Brown Tonite)” Spoof
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 8:57 PM
Movie Trailer For "Takers"
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 4:33 PM
Funny Megan Fox Interview For "Jennifers Body"
National Lampoons' Matt Zaller did an press junket interview for Jennifer's Body. During the interview he sat down with both Megan Fox and Johnny Simmons, but then ignored Fox the entire time and even made her wear a paper bag over her head so she wouldn't "get in the way". He then proceeded to speak with Simmons about potential sequels for "Hotel for Dogs" for the next four minutes. The funny part was that neither Fox nor Simmons had any idea that Matt was going to do this so they just went along with it ....LOL
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 1:15 PM
Whoops-A-Daisy! (Must Watch)
During the fifth inning of the Phillies whooping of the Nationals, Jayson Werth got underneath a 2-0 pitch from Garrett Mock and sent it straight up in the air headed towards the 300 level just above the CSN broadcast booth. A gentleman who was sitting up in those seats quickly realized he had a shot at the ball, so he stood up, leaned over the railing, and to the delight of the crowd, made an impressive catch. And being the good father that he is, he then handed the ball over to his daughter, who immediately turned around and tossed the ball back over the rail and into the Diamond Club behind home plate.
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 4:12 PM
Letter To Kanye West....
Well I have to start by saying that I am not surprised by anything that you ever do anymore, I have come to expect it and I'm sure that MTV has as well which is why they seated you in the front. As I stated on my last entry about Jay-Z's performance I did not watch the VMA's last night. I was watching the Bears vs Packers football game and I saw that twitter was going in on you; so I hit up Youtube only to see your brain once again act without the benefit of intellect. I am no fan of Taylor Swift, I'm not familiar with her music and I don't know much about her but Kanye you were wrong. You already know the politics that come with the VMA's because you have been through this before in 2007 when the show was held in Las Vegas. If you have a problem with the politics then don't come to the awards, but you don't disrespect a 19 year old girl who hasn't done or said anything negative about you. Don't cop out and say that you did it for Beyonce because she doesn't need you to fight her battles for her, last I heard Hov was her husband and if he wasn't saying anything then why the hell are you? This wasn't about Beyonce or Taylor, this was about you once again. You weren't performing this year and you know that you were not going to win an award so you had to find a way to get your look by any means necessary. Kanye always has to get his look....
It's not enough that you are one of the best rappers right now....
It's not enough that you are one of the best producers in the game....
It's not enough that you have more money than most people in this bad economy....
It's not enough that you are one of the best visionary artist of of our time....
Nope none of that is enough for you. The sad part about it is that you left (or were asked to leave) the building and you issued a wack apology but the damage is done and Hip Hop will ultimately pay the price for it. Reading some of the Twitter alerts yesterday I knew that other than Jay-Z performing yesterday, MTV was already doing a bad job by misrepresenting Hip Hop once again but you had to add to that???? A lot of people will say that you were being you, or you were drunk on Hennessy, or that Amber Rose is a bad influence, or that your mother passed away. Kanye when your mother died, the values that she taught you shouldn't have died with her. You are not of victim of circumstance, you have been chosen as one of the leaders of this Hip Hop movement and it's about time you start showing some leadership by acting right. As a DJ I come across up and coming rappers and producers that will never reach the heights of success that you have attained no matter how hard they try, but you want to take that for granted???? Nobody is saying that you are not entitled to your right to freedom of speech but you have to find the appropriate time and place and yesterday wasn't it. Perhaps you should have showed the class that Beyonce did; she knew how it felt to win her first VMA award with Destiny's Child and she did the right thing by calling that young girl back on stage and giving her that moment back. Kanye my advice to you is to start enjoying your success and wake up because it won't last forever, nothing ever does. Still love your music, just hate the extra shit....
P.S. (1) For all those that want to justify what Kanye did yesterday, every individual is accountable for what comes out of their mouth and there are always consequences for your actions. With that being said don't defend Kanye because he's a big boy, he put his foot in his mouth so deal with it....
P.S. (2) Oprah for all the negative things you said about 50 Cent, at least he as never done something like this. You and Kanye are both from Chicago, reach out and give him some intervention before he destroys everything he has worked hard for....

Posted by djdonjuan4life at 12:11 PM
Jay-Z Performs "Empire State Of Mind" With Alicia Keys Live At The VMA's

Posted by djdonjuan4life at 12:59 AM
Food For Thought: Conversations With Jay-Z
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 6:41 PM
I'm back yall, as you can see I haven't been blogging for a couple of weeks. Frankly my last blog entry was on Friday August 28th at 5:36PM. After I blogged that day I looked outside and it was looking crappy, so I began to cook myself dinner so it would be ready by the time the NY Yankees game started. As I was cooking something made me want to twitter about my cooking exploits so I did, as soon as I twittered I refreshed the page to make sure that my comment posted and that's when I saw the first reports of DJ AM's passing. I proceeded to call my boy Ian Fletcher who was close friends with AM and the sound in his voice confirmed that it was true....
As a DJ I have always believed that you learn from Good DJ's as well as Bad DJ's. The bad DJ's show you what not do to do, but the good DJ's inspire you to step your game up and be GREATER!!!! I wasn't friends with AM but I had a chance to meet him and spin with him for the first time back in 2002 for DJ Eric Cubeechee's B-Day party @ The House Of Blues in Anaheim, CA. Eric Cubeechee had told me a lot good things about AM but words can't ever replace being in the presence of him on a set. What first struck me about him was that he was a real cool guy, what struck me second was this guy was CRAZY on the turntables and he didn't need a mic because he spoke with his hands. He was playing records that most DJ's back then wouldn't even think about hitting and it wasn't just what he played; it was also the way he was scratching and mixing these records up. Coming from NY I had never seen someone ROCK a party that way until I saw AM do it. These days it's more common for DJ's to play Rock, Pop, 80's, Dance, along with Hip-Hop but AM made it a trademark. If they were other DJ's that did it before him then I never saw them, all I know is that watching a fellow DJ rock the crowd that night inspired me as a DJ.
I had a lot of thoughts on my mind when DJ AM passed which led me to slow down on the blogging for a little bit. I'm sure it's not any different for any other DJ that was a friend of DJ AM or a fan. I then came across my boy DJ Bri-G's blog Revenge Of Rob Gordon and he summed up some how I felt so I'm posting his words for yall to read.
"The DJ Community is a small one and thus when we lose a member of it, the impact is felt by all. Most DJs either personally know or at least know of the influential DJs in every market across the country. We have conferences, conference calls, fly in and out of each other's cities. We meet for lunch with a fellow DJ we've only talked to via email, facebook, or twitter and talk about music."
"It's the music. It's why we all do this. Yes, there's the feeling of rocAdd Imageking that crowd and having everybody waiting on that next record to drop. There's the money, the girls, the partying and the noteriety that comes with being the guy behind the decks. But in the end, it's all about the music. That's why I respected AM so much. Aside from his incredible technical DJ skills, it was is overwhelming knowledge of music...and his love for it that made him stand out."
"As a student of the culture as well as a member of it, I've always sought out teachers that would help me get better as a DJ. With the advent of Youtube, it was made that much easier to bring those legends into your home as you learned from them. DJs began posting up video clips of them in the rockin' the club, practicing in the studio, or even giving lessons. Then the Rane 57 allowed you to record your mixes live from the club and everytime a DJ is kind enough to release them, I study it like I'm about to take the Bar exam."
"Before I knew AM as a person, he was one of my unwitting online teachers. I'd watch videos of him and try to emulate his style. The seemless mashing of genres, the scratching, the live blends, I've studied it all. Have I gotten to be even half of the DJ that AM was? Probably not. But without somebody like him to look up to and strive to be like, I don't know if I'd even still be doing this."
"DJing is a competitive culture. We all talk shit about each other. "Oh, that dude is wack." "Why is he playing that record." "That mix was way off." "His cuts are off beat." "How did his wack ass get that gig?" But then there's the guys that transend the hate. The guys you just sit back and enjoy listening to knowing your going to hear something you never heard before. Knowing that you weren't just listening to a DJ play records, you were listening to an innovator. The Jazzy Jeff's, the Primo's, the DJ Scratch's, the Riz's, the Z-Trip's...and of course DJ AM."
"Below are links to AM's "Elton" series of mixes. These mixes will give you a true appreciation for the musical range and talent of our now gone DJ brother. Please feel free to pass them along to your friends and family and do just a little bit to continue AM's legacy."
Thanks Bri-G, great words homie. Shouts also to DJ A-Trak who posted some REAL thoughts on DJ AM as well on WWW.DJATRAK.COM. I remember talking to DJ Smooth Denali about these mixes a week before AM's passing, their are CLASSIC!!!! Thank you DJ AM....
DJ AM - Elton Part 1
DJ AM - Elton Part 2
DJ AM - Elton Part 3
DJ AM - Elton Part 4
DJ AM - Elton Part 5
Posted by djdonjuan4life at 3:29 PM